New York based dental supplies and equipment provider has achieved 200% increase in organic traffic and 2X sales volume!

New York-Based Dental Supplies and Equipment Provider Has Achieved 200% Increase in Organic Traffic and 2X Sales Volume!

The Brief

The client is a full-service provider of dental supplies and equipment. They are a distributor of leading dental supplies and equipment manufacturers such as 3M Oral Care, Hu-Friedy, Medicom, 苏丹医疗, Septodont, GC America, 女神牙科, W&H, Handler, Red Wing International, and more.

2017年初, 他们来找我们分析, revamp, and optimize their dental supplies store in a way that increase their sales, customer experience and help in retaining the customers. They want to increase their organic traffic for industry focused keywords and want higher rankings in Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page).


The store contains few outdated elements and lengthier process experience. Moreover, the client was looking to address the overall look and feel to modernize the site. A new mobile experience was also on the top of the list for the enhancement. 商店里大约有. 40,000 items and it is a burdensome task to manage few things including individual product promotions, 价格更新, addition of new items and more in the given amount of time and technical capability. Also, there are frequent announcement of product discontinuation and changes.

As their clientele were dental offices, increased B2B functionalities from osCommerce platform was a move for them. Also, when it came to any kind of customization and improvements; it required the skilled development, design, SEO, and management resources to achieve their goals.



Project Size


  • UI/UX design
  • 电子商务网站开发
  • 搜索引擎优化
  • 数字营销
  • 网店管理




We love challenges and mistakes; because that’s the area of learning, improvement, and growth. We had a pleasure of being this clients’ ecommerce store management’s partner for over 8 years. With in-depth understanding of their website and technical pain points, we have developed a gradual development, store management and marketing strategy that has given them a 3X increase in their sales. It was a continuous improvement and agile process by optimizing the store as per challenges.

To make their store process easy and well-organized, we have done the following implementation and customization:

  • Ajax搜索自动完成
  • Ajax筛选和排序
  • 添加到收藏夹选项
  • 执行价格整合
  • 定价定制
  • 每件产品的数量降价
  • Custom modules for import/export thousands of products in a few minutes
  • 快速推广上传
  • 多种包装产品选择
  • 多类别分配
  • 向上销售和交叉销售
  • 产品详细信息页面相关项目
  • 特殊的Rx产品支持
  • 单页结帐
  • 多种支付方式集成
  • 折扣券代码
  • Zone rate shipping method (UPS, shipping and handling)
  • 放弃购物车
  • 实时聊天集成
  • 自由样本积分
  • 订单跟踪
  • 代码安全审计
  • 设立销售税
  • Sales representative integration at admin panel
  • 谷歌分析集成
  • AI based custom predictive analytics
  • 搜索引擎优化集成
  • 社交媒体整合
  • 修改UI / UX
  • Video integration at product detail page.
  • 愿望清单集成

不限于此, we have conducted a full SEO audit and applied the following strategies by focusing on the best ecommerce SEO practices:

  • SSL集成
  • 设置一个新的XML站点地图
  • Responsive and mobile optimized website
  • 可扩展的网站导航 & architecture
  • 网页速度提升
  • 覆盖技术问题
  • 正在进行的SEO审计
  • 关键词研究与优化
  • SEO友好的URL
  • 批量SEO元标签导入
  • Bulk product pages content update on live website
  • 新闻和博客集成
  • 长尾关键词用法
  • Local business schema implementation
  • Backlinks
  • Local SEO

To retain existing customers, we have approached few digital marketing strategies:

  • 客户重新定位目标
  • 电子邮件营销(欢迎邮件, 售后跟踪, 个性化优惠券代码, 常规折扣代码, 季度促销活动, vouchers, 新闻及公告, special discount and festival offers, 新功能公告, 节日的问候, and more.)
  • 内容营销
  • 社交媒体营销
  • 谷歌购物

The Analysis

To find the right insights and data for long-term ecommerce store SEO growth through above practices, we have picked best in class SEO tools which we are using on a regular basis:

  • 谷歌分析
  • 谷歌搜索控制台
  • SEMrush
  • 蚊子链接浏览器
  • In-house AI based Predictive Analytics










Our recommendations and strategies proved rewarding as it saw a 200% increase in organic traffic of comparing a year difference. Also, client has seen 2X growth in overall sales volume yearly; and 3X growth in sales value yearly.

Also, they have achieved a great user experience and decreased bounce rate with an increased website speed and ecommerce store compatibility in all devices and browsers.

Our long-term commitment to SEO continues to pay off as traffic and sales growth. We are continuously up to date with latest industry trends as well to grab the new opportunities! SEO changes fast; it comes with new challenges from algorithm changes to voice impacts as well. 我们提供全面的 电子商务SEO服务 with well-established approach and ever evolved with the improvements over a time!

与我们联系 (电子邮件保护) 或提交你的 索取免费报价 了解更多信息.


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