Gridsome Website Accessibility Widget

The Gridsome All in One Accessibility Widget is developed based on AI and assistive technology that helps to enhance 网站的可访问性. It improves the accessibility of your website to people with hearing or vision impairments, 汽车受损, 色盲, dyslexia, cognitive & learning impairments, seizure and epileptic, and ADHD problems. This interface allows users to select the accessibility features as per their needs and peruse the content.

Free Trial

Free Trial

Kick-start 10 days free trial with all 70 +的特性. No advance payment is required. 你可以随时取消它.

User-triggered Gridsome 网站的可访问性 enhancements

User-triggered Gridsome 网站的可访问性 enhancements

它的建造是为了保持WCAG 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 guidelines in mind to enable accessibility features.



屏幕阅读器,谈话 & Type, 可访问性资料, Libras, 虚拟键盘, 语音导航, Dashboard and it supports multi language (140 +语言).


Chances to reach wider audience

An accessible internet is a total win-win. 大约有1个.3 billion people with disabilities globally. With user-triggered Gridsome All in One Accessibility Widget, it increases the chances of reaching a wider audience.



With Gridsome All in One Accessibility Widget installed on your site, it reduces the risk of time-consuming accessibility lawsuits.



The Gridsome All in One Accessibility Widget enables businesses to participate in global efforts to improve online inclusion.


仪表板附加组件 & Upgrades

The Dashboard includes PDF/Document remediation, 白标服务, 现场网站翻译, 修改辅助功能菜单, 手动可访问性审计, VPAT或ACR报告, 附加组件和升级.

Gridsome All in One Accessibility Widget Features



  • Read Page
  • 阅读面具
  • Read Mode
  • 阅读指南

Skip links

  • 跳转到菜单
  • 跳到页脚
  • 跳到内容
  • 打开辅助工具栏


  • 内容扩展
  • 诵读困难的字体
  • Readable Fonts (Legible Fonts)
  • 突出显示标题
  • 突出的链接
  • 文本放大镜
  • 调整字体大小
  • 调整线条高度
  • 调整字母间距
  • 居中对齐
  • 左对齐
  • 右对齐

Color and Contrast Adjustments

  • 暗反差
  • 单色(稀释)
  • 光线的对比
  • 高饱和
  • 高对比度
  • 聪明的对比
  • 低饱和
  • 反色
  • 调整文字颜色
  • 调整标题颜色
  • 调整背景颜色


  • Blind
  • 汽车受损
  • 视力受损的
  • 色盲
  • Dyslexia
  • Cognitive & Learning
  • Seizure & Epileptic
  • ADHD


  • 沉默的声音
  • 隐藏图片(仅限文字)
  • 停止动画
  • 突出徘徊
  • 突出重点
  • 大黑色光标
  • 白色大光标
  • 内容进行过滤


  • 可访问性得分
  • 可访问性声明
  • 隐藏界面
  • 动态小部件颜色
  • 动态部件位置
  • 多语言
  • Default Image Alternate Text
  • Accessibility icon and assistive technology
  • Dictionary
  • 虚拟键盘
  • 更改小部件图标类型
  • 自定义小部件图标大小

Gridsome Accessibility Widget Plan


Are you looking for an enterprise or custom Gridsome ADA web accessibility solution or a manual accessibility remediation report?


How to install the All in One Accessibility Widget 


The benefits of an accessible Gridsome website include as following:

  • Increase chances to reach wider audiences
  • 改善用户体验
  • Reduce the risk of legal lawsuits
  • Improved website visibility, and more.

No, it won’t impact your Gridsome website loading time & 表演.

It will take 2 minutes to install on your Gridsome website.


是的,它支持 140 +语言.

Yes, the pro plan is available for different sizes of websites and monthly page views.

Yes, it includes all the required features of 屏幕阅读器.

是的,确实如此. 用于多站点设置, the different domains require separate licenses or enterprise license supporting multiple domains.

It includes blind, visually impaired, 色盲, 汽车受损, dyslexia, cognitive & 学习,没收 & epileptic, and ADHD profiles.

We provide Gridsome All in One Accessibility widget installation and technical support over email.

Yes. To kick-start your 10 days free trial, please 点击这里.